Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead: Can the Body Really Heal Itself?

Imaging being overweight, loaded up on steroids and plagued by a pervasive autoimmune disease. Can a pivot away from Western medicine to fresh fruit and vegetables be the secret to wellness? Watch the film in its entirety right here on Ultra Fit over 50!

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead

Our filmmaker, Joe Cross, is morbidly overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffers from a non-specific autoimmune disease.

He’s near the end of his rope, and potentially his life. Hence the title: Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.

But Joe doesn’t give up.  He abandons a junk food diet and goes on a road trip with a juicer and generator — determined to only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for two months.  And we travel along with him on his journey to dump the meds and lead a balanced lifestyle that is healthy and sustainable.

This is the essence of Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead.  It’s gripping stuff in a warm package.  Then, Joe meets a truck driver, Phil Staples, who suffers from the same rare condition.  And, the movie pivots to a engaging profile of Phil and his seemingly impossible journey to heal himself.


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